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Member Sales Agreement - Compliance & Ethics Guidelines
Member Sales Agreement - Compliance & Ethics Guidelines
Andrew - LR Product Expert avatar
Written by Andrew - LR Product Expert
Updated over a week ago

Palmetto is committed to an outstanding customer experience and to working with companies and independent contractors that take the utmost care in helping homeowners make an educated choice about Palmetto’s clean technology service.

All members are subject to the terms and conditions of your signed Agreement with Palmetto, which includes details on areas such as Consumer Disclosure Requirements, Sales Code of Conduct, and Sales/Marketing Guidelines.

Details of key compliance and ethics guidelines are laid out below for reference.


Consumer Disclosure Requirements (Typically Exhibit A in your Agreement)

Key Language

Guidelines & Common Scenarios

Marketing...must be limited to those that have been reviewed and approved...Use of any other materials is not permitted

Accurately advertise Palmetto services and products. Do not advertise products that are not approved or serviced by Palmetto.

Do not use Palmetto on marketing materials, websites, etc., unless approved by Palmetto in writing

All marketing shall preserve consumer choice with respect to loan products...

Comply with financier lending laws, including unfair & abusive tactics (including but not limited to price gouging).

...represent the loan products accurately...

Fully disclose ins/outs of financing, including reamortization schedule, the function of incentives, etc.

...must also comply with all applicable requirements pursuant to state lending...

Must complete any local or Palmetto-mandated sales rep compliance requirements, typically posted via Palmetto's knowledge base, including with respect to state lending laws.

Code of Conduct (Typically Exhibit E of your Agreement)

Key Language

Guidelines & Common Scenarios

Understand the Customer's situation, including their suitability for solar...

Help homeowners make an educated choice. Don't push extended loans on elderly customers or price above fair market retail rates. Be transparent when a customer or home is not qualified.

Create proposals for Palmetto products solely using the Palmetto Platform

Outside proposals with information different from Palmetto's proposal are not permitted. Customers must always see the Palmetto proposal in exactly the form created by Palmetto. No other proposals are allowed, and no additions to the Palmetto proposal are allowed.

Never make or guarantee...regarding savings to a Customer

Production estimates are estimates. We do not guarantee any production. Savings projections are estimates and we make no guarantees with respect to savings. We make no guarantees with respect to tax credits or other incentives and may function differently.

Never state or imply that you work for...the utility...

Do not imply to customers that you work with the utility or any other state/local municipality.

Avoid high-pressure sales tactics, and...Comply with all applicable Laws

Never force a customer into a sale. Offer fair pricing.

Sales and Marketing Guidelines (Typically Exhibit G of your Agreement)

Key Language

Guidelines & Common Scenarios

Sales members shall not...give a customer tax advice on solar incentives...

Mis-explaining, omitting key details or guaranteeing a tax credit or other incentives is prohibited.

Do not give any advice whatsoever regarding taxes. Tell the customer to speak with a licensed accountant.

Sales members shall accurately and truthfully represent Palmetto products and services.

Don't guarantee production, savings, or state that the customer will never have a utility bill, for example.

Sales members shall solicit...Palmetto products and services using only Palmetto-approved advertising, sales presentations...

Customers must be shown a Palmetto proposal, and only be sold Palmetto-approved products, and only in the manner reflected on the proposal.

Deal Pricing Guidelines


Palmetto values our members and wishes to ensure a healthy business relationship. To do so, we hold all members to the standards of your Agreement, in order to ensure we deliver an excellent customer experience. This helps build a positive reputation for all parties among customers.

In the instance of violations of the guidelines of the Agreement, Palmetto may follow the below guidelines. However, Palmetto reserves the right to terminate any membership at any time and at our sole discretion, notwithstanding the below, or take any such other action as Palmetto deems appropriate in any given situation.


Compliance Action


1st Violation

Palmetto will open a dialogue with the member to discuss the violation and provide guidance on how to adjust practices.

We understand that misunderstandings and mistakes happen. We want to ensure we look out for our customers and make the necessary adjustments.

2nd Violation

Formal Written Warning

Palmetto will provide a written detail of the scenario with specific action items required by the member to adjust practices

3rd Violation

Subject to Termination

Palmetto will review the situation internally and, if necessary, provide legal written notice of termination.

Severe Violation

Subject to Termination

Any flagrant or severe violations of the agreement or clear malpractice may result in immediate termination. Palmetto will provide legal written notice of termination in this scenario.


Intake Method


Customer Survey

Palmetto periodically sends customer satisfaction surveys to gauge customer experience from the sales and installation cycles.


Palmetto's community management department reviews any negative customer reviews to ensure the resolution of customer issues, and escalation of any alleged sales malpractices.

Direct Customer Feedback

Palmetto may receive communications directly from customers and escalates any claims of sales malpractices alleged by customers.

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